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Frustrated Writer
A Pinay Wife's Den-Ging
My Blogging Thoughts-Ging2
Aller La-bas
Trails and Travelogues-Ging3

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*Retchel's Pure Life

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Saturday, December 22, 2007
I was bored setting here in front of the pc waiting for something to do, so I had fun doing this blog badges and

Here's My Stars Say About Me

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

fun quizzes for myspace profile and blog

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Today in History #6

This Day in History, December 22

On December 22nd, 1989, the Brandenburg Gate reopened, effectively ending the division of East and West Germany


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Choo-choo Train!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Fridays' Update
Hi everyone how's your Friday? me, don't know yet and all I know is that it's my time off and its four days left before Christmas. We gotta go out to the mall shortly for our Christmas shopping since we haven't done yet. Hopefully we will be able to find a parking space nearby the mall entrance coz I don't like to walk far on this cold weather. Like last time when we went to the store, we could not a find a place to park so we parked across the street and it was so freezing what I did was walked fast with running and Rick was left behind coz he could not run on his sore leg.
Anyway, that's all for today and have to fix myself before Rick come home from his doctors' appointment and have to prepare for breakfast too...
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Today in HIstory #5

This Day in History, December 21

On December 21st, 1872, the HMS Challenger set sail from Norfolk, commanded by Captain George Nares.


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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Medical Assistant Training Schools

Teaching was my field of profession when I was in the Philippines. But since I came here in United States, I am very much interested in Medical field cause it is very in demand and it pays good. And there's always a job for medical field out there so there's nothing to worry in landing a job. Even I am already working in a healthcare profession right now, I still keep browsing on the net for more information on medical assistant programs because I would like to work at the doctor's office. I have found few medical assistant schools online and has lot of medical assistant training programs on different courses. And I think I am not the only one who are interested on this field because I have known a lot of people at work that are taking courses to become a medical assistant. Other reason why medical courses and healthcare jobs are in demand right now because of the fastest growing health industry here in America. You can find a school for medical assistant training nearby you, just choose which course you like and if you think you cannot do that because you have work and can't attend the class, you can find a school that offers internet-based medical assistant training programs.

So come and join me and look for a medical assistant training program to have a medical career to a bright future.
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Today in History

This Day in History, December 20

On December 20th, 1951, nuclear power was first harvested when EBR-1 lit four light bulbs.


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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Today in History
You might wondering why I am posting "Today in History" lately. It's because I want to keep a record of events that I have picked for my daily entries.

So this Day in History, December 19
On December 19th, 1972, Apollo 17 returned to Earth.


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Got Something Again!
Dec 4th was my first payment that I got from one of my blogs' sponsors since I started writing reviews last month. And last night when I got home from work ,I checked my email, and there I got a payment again through paypal. I am happy cause I never expect that I can make money on my writing and this is my sideline..hhehe...Anyway, I am hoping that this will continue and more opportunities to come so I have the urge to write since sometimes I feel don't like it. (tapulan man gud cge ra ga-tanga).

And even I don't feel like writing when I knew I should. I have to write a review about something but when I am going to start writing putting down my thoughts , suddenly I had this "mental blocked", its maybe because I think a lot of everything especially "life" in general. I don't know where and how to start especially if it is almost time for me to leave for work, like yesterday I did it in the last minute so it will be included with the others I have done, good thing I made it..lol..but when I am in good mood, I can write more than one entries in one day especially if I don't have other plan for the day.
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Bodacious Award
Got this other blog award from Charity..Salamat cha!

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Today in History

This Day in History, December 18

On December 18th, 1966, Saturn's moon Epimetheus was discovered.


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Be Yourself Tag
I never dreamed of being Shakespeare or Goethe, and I never expected to hold the great mirror of truth up before the world; I dreamed only of being a little pocket mirror, the sort that a woman can carry in her purse; one that reflects small blemishes, and some great beauties, when held close enough to the heart.
~Peter Altenberge

Charity tagged me this.

1. Whats one thing thats heavily weighing on your mind?
* a lot to think of

2. what's one thing you've learned from a good friendship gone bad?
*don't give your full trust , have some limitation

3. whats one thing you've learned lately from love?
*take the risk and if it will fail take it as a lesson

4. is there anyone special in your life at the moment?
*of course...

5. what's a happy time you've had in the past week/s?
* was able to talked to my mom

6. how far would you go for love?
* i wish i know

7. Is there anything in your past that you'de like to do/try again?
*to be able to teach again

8.what's your favorite kind of weather?

9 why is this?
*coz I don't like too hot and too cold

10. who do you like to spend your nights with?
*my siblings coz I have a lot to say

11. are you an emotional person?
* yah!

12. can you cry in front of others easily?
*it depends

13. whats something that can always make you feel better?
*have something to accomplish

14. what does love make you feel like?
* just natural feeling

15. and losing love?

* losing? hmm something wrong with me..lol

16. are you self conscious?

17.do you think of others before yourself?
*others? yah! my family but I don't consider them others.

18. where do you see yourself some time next year?
* In my homeland

19. do you tend to make relationships complicated?
* nope. if yes, but not in purpose...

20. do you think you'd be able to survive a whole year in jail?
*don't know , don't have plan to..hehe

21. who do you feel the most comfortable to go around?
*who do you think?

22. is there something that you're waiting for? someone perhaps?
* something? I'm waiting for more opps..hehe

23. one thing you're looking forward to..
*to be with my family

24. how do you feel about change?
*change of what?

25. any plans this summer?
* too early to say

26. what are your plans for your next birthday?
*no idea yet

27. do you think someone out there is in love with you?

28. how do you feel right this second?
*tired , headache

29.one word that describes you at this point of your life?

30.what do you think about this survey?
*too personal, but thats okay


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Monday, December 17, 2007
Today in History

This Day in History, December 17
On December 17th, 1903, the Wright Brothers made their first powered Heavier-than-Air flight in the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk.
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The Modern Date

Online dating allows individual, couples and groups to meet online and possibly develop a romantic relationship. Through the use of personal computers and internet, dating generally allows people provide personal information such as age, gender and location. Most sites allow members to upload photos of themselves. But the modernman.com is a little bit different . It is a comprehensive dating site for men, where they offer broad range or options to help men master their dating life. And we know that there are men that do not know how to approach women , do not know how to start the conversation especially if it is their first time dating. But if you are interested and wants to have a dating approach which is very unique just visit their website at themodernman.com . They have an informative articles to read on how to meet and date women. You can also listen their FREE audio clips in their private vault. Watch videos of them teaching guys how to meet women and get free tips via-email from their coaches. They have free tips like, on how to be cocky & funny, tips for body language secrets, on how to flirt, how to attract women, on how to get a girlfriend and how to maintain confidence with women.

The Modern Man is the guide to success with women and dating on this modern date. Their staff will help you teach on how to build your confidence with women and helps you focus on getting men to become naturally attractive to women. "The Modern Man" is designed to teach men on how to get dates , how to master the dating game and meet women on their dreams. They helps you overcome your shyness and helps you how to act on the date. Through them, you will learn ho to confidently approach women and move things towards a dating relationship.

They have lifestyle courses that helps you prepare on the most accelerated path to success with women and dating on this world. They have step-by-step approach or courses in real life situations so you will be able start dating women which is your type without being shy. They have explanations on how to build self confidence when you are with women. They have techniques on what to say so you won't be embarrassed.

Still single until now? and tired of looking online or browsing on different dating site? why not try themodernman.com for a better change now..
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
Biography/Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon
(22 Jan 1561 - 9 April 1626)
Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Albans, started out his career as a lawyer. However, he became better known in later years as a philosopher and a defender of the scientific revolution. His early divisions of duty to society and duty to God became very influential in the realm of philosophy. Unfortunately, his death was not as serious as his work: he died after catching pneumonia while stuffing snow into a dead chicken
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Thai Food
Day is almost over and there was nothing interesting for me today except I had a chance to rest more and to spent more online since it's my weekend off. I went to bed at around 4:o'clock in the morning and got up at around noon. I filled up my "balikbayan" box, doing some household chores and I felt I was hungry so I told Rick to go out for dinner since I am too tired to make food and I'm hungry already. So we went to the Thai Restaurant just few miles away from where we live. And I took some pictures of the food that we ordered.

my favorite thai ice tea


Pad Pak

Pad Broccoli
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