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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Be Yourself Tag
I never dreamed of being Shakespeare or Goethe, and I never expected to hold the great mirror of truth up before the world; I dreamed only of being a little pocket mirror, the sort that a woman can carry in her purse; one that reflects small blemishes, and some great beauties, when held close enough to the heart.
~Peter Altenberge

Charity tagged me this.

1. Whats one thing thats heavily weighing on your mind?
* a lot to think of

2. what's one thing you've learned from a good friendship gone bad?
*don't give your full trust , have some limitation

3. whats one thing you've learned lately from love?
*take the risk and if it will fail take it as a lesson

4. is there anyone special in your life at the moment?
*of course...

5. what's a happy time you've had in the past week/s?
* was able to talked to my mom

6. how far would you go for love?
* i wish i know

7. Is there anything in your past that you'de like to do/try again?
*to be able to teach again

8.what's your favorite kind of weather?

9 why is this?
*coz I don't like too hot and too cold

10. who do you like to spend your nights with?
*my siblings coz I have a lot to say

11. are you an emotional person?
* yah!

12. can you cry in front of others easily?
*it depends

13. whats something that can always make you feel better?
*have something to accomplish

14. what does love make you feel like?
* just natural feeling

15. and losing love?

* losing? hmm something wrong with me..lol

16. are you self conscious?

17.do you think of others before yourself?
*others? yah! my family but I don't consider them others.

18. where do you see yourself some time next year?
* In my homeland

19. do you tend to make relationships complicated?
* nope. if yes, but not in purpose...

20. do you think you'd be able to survive a whole year in jail?
*don't know , don't have plan to..hehe

21. who do you feel the most comfortable to go around?
*who do you think?

22. is there something that you're waiting for? someone perhaps?
* something? I'm waiting for more opps..hehe

23. one thing you're looking forward to..
*to be with my family

24. how do you feel about change?
*change of what?

25. any plans this summer?
* too early to say

26. what are your plans for your next birthday?
*no idea yet

27. do you think someone out there is in love with you?

28. how do you feel right this second?
*tired , headache

29.one word that describes you at this point of your life?

30.what do you think about this survey?
*too personal, but thats okay


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