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Friday, January 6, 2012
Insurance Quotes
Guest Post written by my buddy Royce Heath.

My husband went crazy recently and tried to get a bunch of insurance quotes online. It made me almost regret searching wireless internet Baytown and upgrading our home to wireless internet. I love the service, by my husband is driving me crazy. While I go online and shop for news like a normal person, he asks for quotes. He got the idea on his head that we are paying too much for insurance. He got online and requested quotes from a bunch of companies to see if we could save money. I respect that he is trying to save money for the family, but I wish he didn't put our home phone number on all of the requests. He goes to work all day while I am home with the kids, and the insurance companies are calling non-stop. They don't only call once and ask if I am interested, they call five to six times a day. It can really start to drive you crazy! I don't understand why one call isn't enough. Don't they realize that if they annoy people, they aren't going to be interested in the service? I know times are tough and we all need to make a buck , but I am at my wit's end.
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