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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
How to prevent Identity Theft
There are a lot of stories and experiences of identity theft. It is really hard when you are victim of identity theft cause you don't have privacy anymore and your future is in danger. So it is a good idea to protect your identity. LIfelock is one of many companies that helps protect your identity. They are the best identity theft protection program on the net as of the moment. They offered a proactive identity theft protection, meaning they are there to back you up, to fight you or support you to prevent your identity for being stolen. And when you enroll right now, they have a lifelock promotion code which is 30 days free and 17.5% annual discount. All you have to do to get started is to simply entery the Lifelock promo code RD11 in the promo field on the enrollment page of Lifelock.com promotion code. With them, they provides you with assistance when you apply for credit. They will lock down your credit so only you can use it. And the pre-approved credit card offers that you always received in your mailbox will no longer be mailed to you. All junk mails will be reduced. So it is better to take a move now and protect your identity and apply for your identity protection at lifelock.com
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LifeLock can't protect their CEO from becoming an ID Theft victim. However they spend a lot of money thrying to make it go away and people sign up. They do not tell people that true name identity theft accounts for only 10 - 15% of ID theft. The CEO know all about synthetic ID theft. Fraud alerts do not stop nor inform you about synthetic ID theft, but if you get enoght funding and enough people who are not educated to give you $10 a month...... who cares, they are making money, so what if you become a victim

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 8:06:00 PM EST  

Iguy 52 doesn't seem to understand the specific services provided. It's true LifeLock will help make it right if it happens, but LifeLock actaully is very successful at preventing ID theft fraud. One of the major consequences of id theft is your credit being used by someone else. LifeLock does indeed keep your credit from being used by someone else, because if someone tries to use your name for credit, you will be notified. Additionally, with fraud alerts on your credit reports, credit companies won't open new lines of credit until they've contacted you for approval. In short, LifeLock is actually, contrary to Iguy52's opinion, a great way to combat identity fraud before it happens. For more information on ways you can keep your identity secure, you can visit www.idtheft.org.

Friday, January 25, 2008 at 11:18:00 AM EST  

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