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Payday Loans and Cash Advances In Canada
A payday loanis a fast way to have emergency funds deposited into your Canadian bank account. Ideally used to cover unexpected expenses such as NSF charges from your bank or to help in tight financial situations a payday loan is deposited right into your personal bank account. Payday loans are intended for a short period of time usually from one payday to the next. Due to the higher borrowing fees involved, it is highly recommended to pay more towards the principal balance owing.
Our payday loans are offered to persons currently employed in Canada in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario. Simply go online and fill out the quick and easy application and be approved in minutes. Once approved, the cash is deposited directly into your personal chequing or savings account and only the fees will be debited on your next scheduled payday. At anytime you can contact the office to pay out your loan. Our friendly staff is there to assist you during our regular business hours.