Grateful Heart by Cindy Fahey
My heart was once an open book Pages blowing in the wind Each page with a torn and tattered look Pages that seemed to have no end
Each page was ripped out freely Their value left unknown For those pages represented me My heart beat on its own
Once the pages were all but lost I opened up my eyes I needed help at any cost It was then I realized By tearing out my pages Giving without a cause Allowed me to be courageous Overlooking obvious flaws
Mistaken feelings of love Were left in the open gaps Games I’d grown weary of Became a recurring mishap
With only one page remaining I wanted to do things right Feeling frightened and untrusting Then I caught a noble sight
I knew I’d seen an angel One whom I longed to be near I took a step, and then I fell Forsaken, I shed a tear
For I knew this angel had seen me He’d reached out and touched my hand But his heart was under lock and key So with my open book I ran
I don’t know where I was running The pace was out of control And the tears pressing left a blazing sting Forewarning my heart and soul
When I turned the angel was with me He’d never left my side With honor to me, he entrusted his key Then he kissed all the tears I had cried
He lifted me up so gently In his arms I felt secure He looked into my eyes to assure me That his love for me was pure
In that moment my heart was dancing Like a feather in the breeze As if my pages were gently moving I opened my book to see
Astonished at what I witnessed My pages were all intact No more tattered edges He had given all of them back |