Kaushal Sheth is a 22 years old that lives in Mumbai, India. He knows about wordpress themes and blogger templates. He has also some ideas on best web hosting. He is also a blogger like you. His blog tittled after his name " Kaushal Sheth", teaches himself the basics on web designing, content development, web developments marketing, branding, internet advertising blogs and search engines. He also make custom theme for your blogs at a reasonable rate. So if you are interested to have a customs theme made by Kaushal Sheth just contact him or visit his blog. He provides webhosting with a very handy service. He is experienced in webhosting and knows the important of it for the webmasters to use a reliable host for their website. And because of his dream to be a great webmaster, he tried to gather the best webhosting companies with complete research and found three. First is the Host Monster, then Host Gator and Yahoo Host. But he chose Host Monster , for him his site has been up for 100% of the time. As you can see his theme, it's very neat and simple. |