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Thursday, January 3, 2008
Elite Numbers
Let us talk about Elite. Don't have an idea? Well, I am talking about Elite numbers. Elite numbers specializes in memorable phone numbers where you can personalized your own mobile numbers either on your birth date or special dates that you can't forget.

They are simply best numbers that are available on any UK network. These numbers are perfect for people who wants to set themselves apart from most others. They have also an elite selection of numbers that are listed in their website and you can choose which one you want with their corresponding prices.And you can contact their representative first either by telephone or via email thru their website before you decide and if you want to know about what elite numbers all about. They have the so called Gold numbers which you can replace your current phone numbers and personalized the phone numbers you want, that are easy to remember for family and friends and from that you will have a gold phone numbers.
You can even request a phone number that you like because they understand that different combination of numbers has different significance to people and that is why they acknowledge this. If you have doubt and not sure about how elite numbers works for you, just visit their website at elite-number.com so you can understand and view their selection of numbers maybe you would like the numbers that they have displayed on their website and you can also find some information about the service.
One thing I understand, that even if you have another contract from another network, you can still continue your existing contract with the new number that you personalized. Just let them know that you wish you keep you existing contract by they time you purchase the "elite numbers" so they can provide you with the necessary code and that code you will present that to your current provider so they can port your new number to replace your current number.

So friends and bloggers who are in the UK , personalized your own mobile phone numbers at elite-numbers.com
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