As years come and go I find myself facing another new year. And everybody makes New Year's resolutions every year and never really keep them. .
Maybe you have lists already that you want to accomplish or change for 2008, like to lose weight-this is the most common new years resolution that I heard. For smokers, their resolution is to stop their smoking habit. Having a child--for couple who really wanted to have a baby by next year, and more.
For me, I have few on my list of new years resolution. But the main thing is would be TO SAVE MONEY, it's not only for new years but for the whole year. I believed that everything will follow when I know how to save, and I know my future would be secured. It does not mean that I am not saving money this year.(2007) but I want to save more if I can. In fact, the money that I will be spending on my trip to the Philippines next year, including my plane ticket which is from my own savings. What I did was, every payday, a portion of my check is directly deposited to my savings account so I can't touch it and still I am doing it. I think the only time I took some money from my savings was on the enrollment of my sister cause I have to pay it full and that time my payday was not until the following week, so I took some but I paid it back when I got my paycheck so it covers the amount. This is my goal in 2008, to save money. In order to attain this goal, I will cut-off my shopping habit,(I promise that), I will only buy the item that I need not the one that I want, and if it is on sale too. Minimize eating outside- cause it really saves a lot to cook your own food than to go out and eat unless there's a special occasion. Making sure bills are paid before the due date to avoid late fees.
I think that must be it. What about you, do you have a new years resolution? |
oh yeah, i need to add that one to my new year's resolution too! hehehe...
thanks sis for the visit!
happy new year from korea