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Thursday, June 5, 2008
Finkker- investor community
What is Finkker? it is a micro-messaging site for investors and finance buffs. It is a place where people can connect each other and share short messages and ideas on how to invest and make money. In other words, Finkker is the investor community. It is the best place to stay connected with other investors while also following stock data, a place where co-investors keep in touch each other and sharing topic related to stocks that they invest. Investors stay connected by sending each others short messages and follow each other wherever there's an interesting issue that they have receive from co-investor. In Finkker, investors are encourage to write anything that related to financing and investing. Sending a quick thoughts, or a link to an interesting article.

If you want to know about Finkker, you can visit their website and sign up for free, then you start connecting to people who have the same interest on investing.
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