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Sunday, May 25, 2008
For us LandRover owners, there is a Land Rover Owner International Magazine where you can see different models of LandRover also whatever event they gonna have. They have also a website for members who has LandRovers and whoever wants to become part of the team can register for free and post in the forum, share their ideas and meet some fellow members. I know this one because my husband is a member of a LandRover team here in our town. They meet once in a while for meeting and for joy rides. It is kind a fun because that way you can meet different people with the same interest when it comes to car. We also get this Land Rover Owner International Magazine in the mail and my husband likes to look at it and share to others how good the LandRover is. So if you have a LandRover car and wanted to be part of their team just visit their website and register for free, then subscribe their magazine and meet some friends.
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