Lol, now I remember the late Ernie Baron on this entry.
Yesterday the temperature outside was in the 50's(F). Snow was melting, it was pretty nice outside, and the road was clear compared to the day before. But earlier this morning the temperature started to drop, from 50F yesterday to 21F until this time because of the winter storm that hit the whole town. The road was very nasty, it's very windy and its hard to see the car in front of you and the snow is like sand everytime the wind blows, good thing I don't drive hehe. Right where I am sitting right now and I can hear the wind, it's like waves from the ocean everytime it reaches to the shore. We got some warning news right now that heavy lake effect snow can be expected tonight until tomorrow with as much as 4-8 inches of snow possible. Blowing and drifting snow will bring near blizzard conditions at times with strong gusty westerly winds that limits visibilities. So it is very dangerous on the road.
Here are some shots that I took.
